Mad Men & Jackie Kennedy

I have started to love watching Mad Men. We don't have cable but, we've been able to borrow dvds from my brothers. Last Christmas, the hubby got season one. (Initially, I was completely uninterested in this series.) On the Saturday after Thanksgiving, we were lucky enough to get Season 2 at a discount in Borders! YAY!

One of things I love about Mad Men is that the women's dresses are beautiful! In one of the episodes of Mad Men, a character states that at that time the women were either Marilyn's (Marilyn Monroe) or Jackie's (Jackie Kennedy). Vanity Fair has put out a survey to determine which you might be!

Personally, I would prefer to be a Jackie. I love my pearls and pill box hats! I wonder who they would say are the female fashion icons of today. I'm sure one would be Michelle Obama but, who else?

As a kid, my mother took me to the Jackie Kennedy fashion exhibit at the MET featuring many of Oleg Cassini's outfits. I LOVED her wedding dress! It wasn't until my mother and I went to see that exhibit that I learned that Oleg Cassini's mansion was located in the town where I lived.

After searching the internet for who the current Marilyn and Jackie, I found a website that was showing photos from the set of the new movie My Week With Marilyn featuring Michelle Wiliams as Marilyn Monroe. Do you think she will do this role justice? Hopefully, I remember to go see it on January 1!

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