Engagement Pictures!

Today is exactly three months before our wedding. So it was fitting that we took our engagement pictures earlier in the day. We were greeted with cold and wet weather but nonetheless hoped for the best and went to the photography studio.

We met our photographer, Gary, and headed over to Planting Fields Arboretum on Long Island. Our guests will have a chance to see it while they are in town for the wedding, as it is relatively near the church and the club. As it turns out, the rain started when we left the studio, but it (thankfully!) stopped when we got to the park. After dealing with the need for a "photographer's permit" (thank you, New York State), we began our photo session. Gary was great and helped us come up with different poses for the pictures and was easygoing, which made the session that much better.

It was fun to do the engagement photos at Planting Fields since we actually spent a lot of time there while we were dating. In fact, we often used to go there during the summer to relax, read a book and walk around the flowers and other vegetation. We both really enjoy state parks, so it seemed natural to go there for the photo session. It didn't feel like we picked the location out of the blue. Besides, it was a great trial-run for the wedding and a chance for us to get to know the photographer and vice versa.

We spent most of the day doing the pictures and then had another classic - a Bonanza hot dog. On my first trip to Long Island, I had one of these overboiled delights on the beach with my fiance (who I had just begun dating at the time). It was a good way to celebrate old memories and start the three-month countdown to the Big Day.

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