
So, I didn't forget our little blog I have just been so overwhelmed by the end of school, news from friends, and family time that I haven't been able to update.

School is out for the summer! YAY! On Friday, the faculty and staff went to see Bad Teacher. It was HILARIOUS! We had a blast. The hubby and I cleaned out my old classrooms on Saturday and moved stuff into my new classroom. I get a SMARTboard next year! Woohoo! I've been working on curricula like crazy!

A dear friend of mine found out she had breast cancer. We've had a dinner party and went to some testing together. She is such a strong woman. She has decided that she will continue living as best as she can. Cancer just be something she has and will deal with as best she knows how. She rocks!

As you know, my one brother is headed to Rome as part of his studies for the priesthood. Another brother is now contemplating heading to the Marines. We are together out in Montauk for the week to spend some time together. We are so lucky!

Andrew's Candidacy Mass

The  Crew


Rite of Cadidacy

Getting a hug from the Bishop

A Year By the Sea by Joan Anderson

A few years ago my mother read this book. She loved it and highly recommended it since she and I both LOVE the beach and our family has gone to Cape Cod for the past few summers. Last year, as I was preparing for my wedding, I read this book for the first time. It is an incredible memoir and the descriptions of life by the sea are amazing. The book chronicles her life as she tries to make sense out of all that is going on with her life and her marriage.

I reread this book a few weeks ago. (It is a quick read.) It was just as good as I remembered it being. I probably will reread it at least one more time before the end of the summer!

Quaker Oats Vanishing Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

Last Sunday night, I decided to bake for my co-workers since I knew that this past week was going to be a busy one. For a long time, I wanted to make the recipe on the underside of the oatmeal lid.

So, here it is!

Vanishing Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

  • 1/2  cup (1 stick) plus 6 tablespoons butter, softened
  • 3/4  cup firmly packed brown sugar
  • 1/2  cup granulated sugar
  • 2  eggs
  • 1  teaspoon vanilla
  • 1-1/2  cups all-purpose flour
  • 1  teaspoon baking soda
  • 1  teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2  teaspoon salt (optional)
  • 3  cups Quaker® Oats (quick or old fashioned, uncooked)
  • 1  cup raisins


Heat oven to 350°F. In large bowl, beat butter and sugars on medium speed of electric mixer until creamy. Add eggs and vanilla; beat well. Add combined flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt; mix well. Add oats and raisins; mix well.
Drop dough by rounded tablespoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets.
Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until light golden brown. Cool 1 minute on cookie sheets; remove to wire rack. Cool completely. Store tightly covered.
  • Prep Time: 20 min
  • Cook Time Time: 08 min

Congratulations all around!

On Friday, our friends Tara and Christian tied the knot!
Today, my students will graduate! Congrats to the class of 2011! You have worked hard these four years and your efforts have surely paid off!

Tomorrow, a Mass will be celebrated in honor of my brother's departure for Rome in July. At this Mass, he will officially be recognized as a candidate for the sacrament of Holy Orders.

My Favorite Things!

Our kids are going to Cincinnati next summer and they are starting to fund raise during finals week. Earlier today we were talking about what we could sell that would raise money for their trip. I was mentioning how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE creamsicles.Well, the food gods must have heard me because today the cafeteria had FANTASTIC creamsicles. My dear friends bought me not just ONE BUT TWO!!!! Pure bliss during these super hot days at the end of the school year.

Prior to this conversation I had been looking into the ice pop maker that Williams Sonoma keeps advertising. It is taunting me! As a kid, I remember my mother would make us "ice pops" out of fruit juice in these molds from Tupperware. Could the ice pop maker be considered a school supply if we use it for the kids fundraiser?

Garnett Trivia!

From Tappahannock, intersection of Queen Street (Rt. 360) and Rt. 17 take Rt. 17 north 17 miles. Turn left on Rt. 640 and go one-tenth of a mile. Driveway is on right.

Elmwood was built about 1774 by Muscoe Garnett of Mt. Pleasant, who was one of the largest landed proprietors in Essex County, on land overlooking the Valley of the Rappahannock River and remains in the seventh generation of the same family today. It is the last surviving mansion of a family that was prominently involved in the political life of Virginia and of the nation during the 18th and 19th centuries.

The imposing Georgian house, laid in Flemish bond, is 100 feet long and 30 feet wide with three stories over an English basement. A molded water table bands the entire foundation. The hipped roof is broken by dormers and by a central projecting pavilion on the front entrance with a second floor Palladian window. Wood work in the house is thought to be by William Buckland. The elaborately paneled ballroom foreshadows Buckland's magnificent work in Annapolis. In the mid years of this century, the Garnetts undertook an extensive restoration, removing an 1851 stair tower, which had been added to the left of the main entrance, and Victorian porches on each side. Riverside and garden doorways were designed by architect Charles E. Spencer to replace the Victorian ones. Mr. and Mrs. Muscoe R. H. Garnett Jr., owners.

City Kids

I grew up in the suburbs. I grew up playing outside in the grass, hoping to see butterflies, and enjoying the company of my neighbors.

Today, I took my first period class of 9th graders outside. Our school has a grassy area off the side of the building that is rarely used. I didn't entirely have a plan for the period I thought I would just let them hang out. Several children thought I would make them do work outside. Many wondered what we were going to do. I had told them they could do "whatever". If they wanted to sit and "do nothing", they could.

When we got outside they just stood there. They were afraid of what might be lurking in the grass. (Really???? It's NYC in a GATED area! The worst they would encouter would be a few ants.) Anyway, one child screamed as if she found a murderer when a beautiful yellow butterfly flew in front of her. Others begged for things to do. So, we played Red light, Green light, 1...2...3... One child had never played "that stoplight game". Others suggested we play duck, duck, chicken. (Most of us know it as duck, duck, goose.) By the time they relaxed enough to enjoy themselves the period was over and we had to go inside. We might need to do this more often! I hate to think of what these kids aren't learning in school!

A Bridal Tea for Sara

A few weeks ago, I hosted a bridal tea for my dear friend Sara. Her wedding is being held in California where here family lives. Her fiance is from Ohio. They met at work here in Queens. I had so much fun throwing this shower for her! Hope you enjoy the photos!
 The Favors 
Tea cups and teaspoons

A Bridal Tea  


Cranberry Scones
Blueberry Muffins

Strawberry Salad with Vinagrette Dressing

Cranberry-Apple Chicken Salad Sandwiches
Tuna Salad Sandwiches
Egg Salad Sandwiches
Cucumber Sandwiches
Turkey and Brie Sandwiches

Madeline Cookies
Shortbread Cookies
Strawberry – Vanilla Cupcakes 

Metamorphosis Monday

Spring In Fresh Meadows

Our front yard has LOTS of flowers in it! Enjoy! 

Happy Trees!

I love being able to look outside and see TREES! Most city dwellers look outside and see other buildings perhaps a tree every so often surrounded by sidewalk. But, when I get home, I see a NYC park!

A few weeks ago while I was running through the park, I made a turn around the lake and thought I saw a tree with a face. Now, you and I both know trees don't have faces. But, I was sure I saw it. Next time around the lake, I slowed down and sure enough someone had carved a face into this tree trunk.

It makes me chuckle each time I pass. Last night, the weather was BEAUTIFUL so, the hubby and I decided to take a walk. He finally got to see the happy tree!