On the other side

I am cautiously declaring that I am on the other side of the plague that my students have had over the past few weeks. This is the ongoing list of illness: strep, pink eye, stomach virus, and chicken pox. Knock on wood, I've only had two of the three.

I was disappointed to miss the 50th jubilee of our friend this weekend and could not enjoy my in laws visit as, I spent the weekend in bed at my parents house so I didn't infect anyone. This coming weekend we have a 30th birthday party for a friend and I might have to go into work to help out a friend. Our Concert Choir is attempting to participate in the World Choir Games in Ohio this summer. As a result, they have to do a lot of fundraising. Unfortunately, their director is undergoing chemotherapy treatments and her energy is zapped so, most likely I'll be headed to supervise the kids fundraising efforts this weekend during the alumni reunion.

I was so grateful for our families providing us with food for the week because this means that I don't have to go grocery shopping. One less thing for me to worry about! Now, i just have to find the motivation to cook something. We've been eating leftovers for the past two days but, we are finally out. We have lots of food I just have to decide what we want to eat for dinner but, the good news is I have an hour before the hubby comes home.

I am also grateful for my energetic students who are excited about learning. My middle schoolers come in everyday excited to see what "they will get to do" during the day. Without their energy, there is no way I would have been able to get through the last few days.  They are my fuel at the moment!

Hopefully the hubby and I will get a chance to enjoy some of the beautiful Fall weather we've been having! This is my favorite time of the year!

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