Pregnancy Things I LOVE!

I'm not sure if I've posted about this before but, I am absolutely in love with my Boppy Body Pillow. I remember a friend of mine telling me she was so excited when her husband bought one for her and I just didn't understand what so great about a pillow. Then, shortly after announcing we were going to have a baby, my cousin said, " YOU NEED A BOPPY PILLOW! " At the beginning, I really didn't think I would ever get so uncomfortable a special pillow would be necessary. Well, I've reached the point where I am uncomfortable and the only thing that make it better is my Boppy pillow. It is wonderful. I definitely think I will continue to use it even when I'm not pregnant anymore because it is just so comfortable.

The other thing I have recently discovered is the wonders of a Yoga ball. I am really enjoying sitting on it because it takes some of the pressure off of my hips and lower back. Sitting on it is kind of fun. I know some teachers have used it at work when doing story time or desk work. I don't think I'll go that far because I stand for most of the day anyway but, those of you out there who are Elementary teachers and Early Childhood teachers should keep this is mind. 

36 Weeks 3 days!

It was a crazy, windy day at Sunken Meadow Beach so, my hair looks ridiculous but, we still enjoyed our short trip! It will be lots of fun to bring our little one here in the summer months...

Well, I hit 36 weeks! This means more testing for both the baby and I. We will be at the doctor at least once a week until I deliver. This week and next week will be twice during the week. Today we met our pediatrician. She came highly recommended by a coworker. The practice was great. They have lots of availability as well as walk in hours where you don't even need an appointment. We finally got our act together and are mailing the preadmission paperwork to the hospital so, in the event this little one comes early we'll be set.

The hubby officially has his new job. He went today to get his paperwork filled out, gave his notice to his current job, and started the health insurance forms. Congrats hubby!

35 weeks pregnant....Let's move!

We've known since January that we would be moving to Long Island before the baby was born. Over the past the weeks, we have had several good friends help us with the move. Two of our friends have truly had some of the most interesting experiences with us during our moving adventure.

Our first adventure together was moving the mattress and box spring. Normal people, rent a van put in inside and drive. Did we? Of course not! Matt and the hubby decided to go buy some rope at the local hardware store and tie the mattress to the top of the Jeep. Mind you, Matt is an Eagle Scout so knots are his thing. But, less than one mile away from the apartment and approximately 21 miles away from our destination, the mattress started to fly off the top of the car while traveling at less than 25 miles an hour on a road where the speed limit was 55. If our adventure ended there, it would be a story for the record books.

We all decided to pull over and retie the mattress. The hubby would hold his side of the mattress down and we would continue on until we got to the viaduct (a narrow bridge with water on both sides), when the mattress was almost completely off the car. At this point, I am 8 months pregnant, driving the Jeep, and the hubby and I are holding down either side of the mattress. Despite the instability of the mattress, we kept driving. When we were less than a mile from our destination, we were stopped at a light and Sara comes  running down the side of the car suggesting that we should hold on tight because it was really coming off. All four of us and our mattress made it to our destination. But, we still needed to get the box spring there. Let's just say getting the box spring from point a to point b was much easier.

One would think after the mattress debacle our friend would have said forget these people they are out of their minds. Well, my dear friend Sara decided she would offer to help me do the last bits of packing and cleaning tonight after work. We arrived home did some marathon packing and cleaning. Then we decided we would load the Jeep and try to make a trip to the Island before the hubby got home from work. The weather in NY has been a little then cold...calm and windy. So, we were going in and out and of course what happens...the door slams shut. We are locked out. Our purses were in the apartment, the car keys were in the apartment, Sara's phone was in the apartment, and my cellphone was running out of batteries. On top of it all, the hubby was in the subway and our landlord was on a plane from LAX to JFK. Thankfully, Matt came to pick us up and take us to the Island to get our spare set of keys. By the time we returned home, the hubby was there. We tried to put the key in the door and the key wouldn't go in. Finally, we got a hold of the landlord's son who opened the door for us and we packed some more. We are almost done with the move with approximately 8 days to spare when all is said and done.

Here's hoping we can finish cleaning and get things wrapped up tomorrow! But first, some much need sleep, rest, and relaxation...Good night!

Our bun is turning into a loaf!

34 weeks 4 days
5lbs 6oz 

He appears to be giving kisses his picture! He decided to be stubborn and not allow the ultrasound tech to get a nice photo of his belly. This is in keeping with tradition every time we go there he decides to hide something. The doctor confirmed once again he is really a boy! He is head down! We can't wait to me our little one in a few short weeks! 

Our Last Easter as Two!

33 Weeks 6 Days...

Two weekends ago, my mother threw us a beautiful baby shower! Our friends and family were so generous. I was quite overwhelmed therefore, it's taken a bit of time to sort through all of the wonderful gifts and well wishes.

My cousins were kind enough to make an adorable champagne punch complete with a rubber duck floating in it! It kind of resembled this:
Unfortunately, most of the pictures are still on my friend's camera...
They also made tasty little pineapple and blueberry cheesecakes! The most exciting part of dessert for me was the wonderful cake with Cannoli filling. My maid of honor's mother made Madeline cookies! They are so tasty. We are so lucky to have wonderful family and friends to support us and celebrate with us.

My mother (the librarian) decided to ask each guest to bring a book to the shower to start the baby's bookshelf. We received many wonderful books including some of the hubby's favorites like Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel. I can't to share these with the little one.